Shining Light on Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking

Indicators of Human Trafficking
Recognizing the signs of human trafficking is critical to getting victims help. Below are some indicators that someone may be a victim of human trafficking:
School problems and/or truancy issues
Runaway and family conflict
Sudden/dramatic change in behavior
Bruising in various stages of healing; showing signs of mental or physical abuse
Exhibiting fearful, timid or submissive behavior
Shows signs of being deprived food, sleep or medical care
Limited freedom of movement
Unstable living situations; lack of personal possessions
Answers appear to be rehearsed or coached
The presence or absence of any of the indicators above does not necessarily prove trafficking and not all of the indicators are present in all cases of human trafficking.
If you suspect that someone is being trafficked report the matter to law enforcement or call one of the tip lines above
About Light Duty
Light Duty was started as a justice and community driven partnership to fight human trafficking and child exploitation by focusing on three key areas:
To increase public awareness through training and education initiatives.
To promote and cultivate strong bonds between law enforcement and victims services to better serve survivors.
To support the criminal justice system in the detection and prosecution of crimes associated with trafficking and exploitation.
Light Duty was created to educate and empower the community to shine so brightly that this darkness has no place to hide. We feel that human trafficking and child exploitation is one of the biggest threats to our young people today and due to under reporting, is statistically more significant than data actually reveals. Together, we can work to eradicate this evil within our communities and prayerfully connect survivors to the resources they need to restore their lives.
Please join our mission today and be a light to your community, fight the horrors of human trafficking and child exploitation. There are resources on our 'Family Page' that will help arm you to protect your family and teach you how to get involved. Additionally, we recently added our 'Child Protection Page' to assist parents and those responsible for childcare with online safety and other related issues.
"In a world full of darkness, choose to be a light."